Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Viva La Santa Barbara Women’s Festival 2011!
Founded by Patty Dedominic
Santa Barbara, California
Organized by a host committee and an intrepid group of volunteers…
March 5-6th 2011 at Earl Warren Fairgrounds

I’ve lived in four states, along both the Canadian and Mexican borders, and spent a few years of my life living and traveling abroad. I’ve spent countless years working in male dominated fields of river guiding and the testosterone-powered world of rock n’roll (King Bee) but since coming to Santa Barbara I’ve been surrounded by the most magical amazing women of my life!

Among a million other reasons why Santa Barbara is the most amazing place I’ve ever lived is one very surprising and unique quality. The women. I’ve never lived in a place that had a greater concentration of seriously rockstar diva goddess uber-talented gorgeous amazing creative female spirits than I’ve found in Santa Barbara

Enter the Women’s Festival. We couldn’t find a greater way to celebrate International Women’s Day (3/8) than by rubbing shoulders, sharing ideas, laughing, networking, and cavorting with a few of the yin-spirited (?) movers and shakers from Santa Barbara.

Because of a connection with a good girlfriend of mine who was involved with helping to promote the event this year (the ever-so-marvelous Kimi Vandyk!) I had the honor of being one of the photographers this year for the Women’s Festival (I had great fun sharing the role with Kenji of Kenji Photography…I think we’re two of the most extroverted photographers you may come across). Earl Warren was positively abuzz with creative energy as men and women shared ideas, sampled products, attended roundtable discussions, watched some beautiful dancing (Tribal and Middle Eastern) outside, sampled chocolates, coffee, beauty and health products, and had an all-round blast basking in each other’s energy.

It was my first year experiencing the festival and I look forward to seeing it continue to grow in the coming years. I celebrate living here in Santa Barbara but more importantly, I’d like to celebrate what an incredible group of women (and men!) live in our beloved town!

I’ve put together a slideshow of a few of my favorite shots from the weekend…
